Monday, January 31, 2011

Thumb Rules for Saving and Retirement

1) do not buy house that cost you more then 2 and 1/2 years of your income
2) save 10% of your income towards your retirement.
3) percentage of portfolio invested in bonds/stock EQUAL TO your AGE
4) never withdraw more then 4% from your retirement savings
5) Stock market would avg. return 10% (long term)
6) emergency fund - 6 month worth of house hold expanses
7) pay high interest credit card bill (debt) first
8) you should have 5 times of your gross salary for unexpected life insurance for family


follow this rules

Thursday, January 20, 2011

LINQ join two tables with condition

here is code

var result = from a in dbcontext.dbone
where a.state== "MD" && == "Prashant"
join b in dbcontext.dbtwo
on select new {a.ID,a.DOB,a.GENDER}
equals select new {b.ID,b.DOB,b.GENDER}
select a;

store procedure with return type table in linq


in SQL store procedure and following in LINQ code

var MemDetailsOrdered = DataContext.GetOrderedElig(param1,param2,param..).ToList()

other wise it will return default int type